Author: Carol Cerny (Carol Cerny)


Top Ten Banquet

Ottawa County’s Top Ten Banquet was help on April 19, 2023 at Camp Perry. This banquet was established as a means to recognize hard work, dedication, and academic achievement. This year’s student representative was Macy Sophia Ladd. At the banquet, she was awarded an Earl J. Johnson scholarship. Macy will be attending Kent State University...

Cuisine Day 2023

Cuisine Day 2023

Today, April 19th, the Put in Bay School Spanish students held Cuisine Day! Everyone made delicious Spanish dishes and they were enjoyed by the whole school. There were many different Spanish dishes including flan, guacamole, tacos, piña coladas, caramelized almonds, and much more! Thank you Spanish students for all of your hard work!


The Return From The Senior Class Trip!

All six of the seniors loved their senior class trip to Washington and Oregon. The trip was full of life and color even when it was raining. The views in the cities were spectacular as well. Washington and Oregon are very beautiful states full of forests and mountains and it is highly recommended that everyone...


Talent Show 2023

On Thursday March 23rd, a talent show, open to all community members and students, was held at Put-in-Bay school in the gym. In third place was Evelyn Wartenbach and Nora Blumensaadt with a Baton duet. In second was Vivian Scarpelli was a dance routine. Lastly, in first place, Rachel Cooper with the song “Somewhere Over...

Quiz Bowl vs Community

Quiz Bowl vs Community

On Wednesday, March 8, the PIB High School Quiz Bowl team competed against community members. Competing on the community team were Billy Market, JR Domer, Rudy Rence, and Missi Kowalski.