Category: High School

Quiz Bowl vs Community

Quiz Bowl vs Community

On Thursday, November 14, the Put-in-Bay Quiz Bowl team competed against the community in a Brain Games style match. Both teams had lots of fun answering questions. It was a very close game, but the the Quiz Bowl team won with a score of 240-220.  


History on Halloween

History on Halloween is an annual event/assignment on October 31 for grades 7-12. Based on their grade, students have different guidelines for which person in history they can dress up as. Students get graded for staying dressed up for their chosen person throughout the whole. Everyone looks forward to History on Halloween!  

Drug Task Force Assembly

Drug Task Force Assembly

Friday 8th period Officer Trevor Johnson from The Ottawa County Drug Task Force came to our school to talk to the student body about the dangers of drugs. His presentation was interactive and the student learned a lot.

Cooper’s Woods Fun Walk

Cooper’s Woods Fun Walk

On Monday, April 22, Earth Day, students participated in a Fun Walk through Cooper’s Woods with Mrs. Kowalski after school. The walk was a on a mile long trail in the woods, and participants pulled invasive garlic mustard plants along the way. Happy Earth Week!